Father’s day is approaching and so many people will have the opportunity to celebrate this special day with their dad. I wanted to share a blog that provides comfort for those who don’t have that opportunity due to a loss of a Father. My Father passed away when I was in 10th grade. Losing him during my teenage years was challenging because I had to cope with not having my Father there for big moments like High School graduation, College graduation and my Wedding day. Father’s day, like many holidays, can be very challenging to get through. I wanted to share 5 personal tips that I’ve used over the years to celebrate Father’s day in my own way.
- Reflect: My Father was a minister and author who wrote many Christian books. I honor him on Father’s Day by taking time to look at some of his old sermons and read excerpts from his books. My dad never got the opportunity to meet my husband, but through his writings, I’ve been allowed the opportunity to get his wisdom and marriage advice. Even though he is not here in the flesh, he still has had a major impact on the wife that I’ve become.
- Celebrate a father like figure: If you have a grandfather, father in law, uncle or male mentor, celebrate and honor them on this day.
- Prayer: Praying to God provides me with so much comfort during times like these. I also try to read scriptures to lift my spirits. One of my favorite scriptures for peace and comfort is 2 Thessalonians 3:16. When I pray, I often thank God for allowing me the opportunity to have had such an amazing dad. Even though he is not here, I still feel blessed for the few years we had together. I have some friends who do not even know their Fathers or who do not have good relationships with their Fathers, so even in this situation, I count myself blessed.
- Cry: It’s completely fine and totally natural to feel sad on these days. Let it out!
- Journal: Express your thoughts, memories and feelings by journaling and getting your thoughts out on paper.
Hope this post provides love and comfort to you in some way on this special holiday!
How are you spending your Father’s day?

Maj, Bishop was a giant for the kingdom of God. Such a humongous soul he was. I’ve often said when I went up to talk to him and Pastor Brenda after service I would look up and it seemed as if he was ten feet tall. Everything he ever spoke came to pass. I once told CFC that he and Pastor Brenda were the first people I ever met that were actually who and what they said they were. Thank you for sharing your dad with the world. He once told us about a pecan tree that I THINK was in your yard at the time(I could be wrong about the location). He commented about seeing all the pecans that had fallen everywhere on the ground and God told him those pecans represented not the souls he would save, but all those and more that he would influence. Influence is priceless, and so was he. Happy Father’s Day Bishop!
I feel sad that i do not get to talk to my father and two brothers that passed. But i thank God for the brothers i have left and the few good memories i have of my father. I hope God has blessed my father & brothers to be together and happy! And can only imagine those 3 together, what a time lol!
Majesty-your dad was and still is amazing. I say that because his words, sermons and lessons still guide me. He was an incredible leader and a phenomenal spiritual father. I only saw from the outside how loving and doting a father he was. He clearly loved all of his children, but you were his baby girl. I believe that he’d be so proud of you. You have grown to be a simply phenomenal and dynamic woman and professional. Continue to honor, cherish and remember your dad in every way possible. He was one of a kind and he definitely has an incredible, ongoing impact in my life and ministry. I miss him, too. Love you, sweetheart!
Thank you for sharing. I miss Bishop too. My Dad is deceased and we celebrate Emmett’s Dad who is still with us at 90.
Majesty, this was such an inspirational, and heart to heart blog. Thank you for sharing your heart. I know your dad would be so proud of you. You’ve always had a beautiful spirit and a heart of gold. Now, you are all grown up and still as precious as ever. I love you baby. I pray that Father God will give you an unexpected blessing this Father’s Day straight from His heart. Love you, Mrs. Barbara Kimber