How in the world is it March already! Where did February go?
March is an interesting month for clothing because it’s still cold outside, but yet, you want to get out of your same ole wintry wardrobe and transition into to something new & fresh. My solution is using Rent the Runway Unlimited and mixing in a few pieces from their casual, work & weekend collection to switch things up. You don’t have to wait for a special occasion to rent some cute new pieces. With Unlimited, you get to try 4 new items at a time, send them back when your done, then switch them out for something new. I rented this cute pink sweater dress because it’s warm, stylish & giving you some almost Spring vibes!
You gotta try this and with my code {MAJESTYA40} you get $80 off your first 2 months of Rent the Runway unlimited ($40 off each month).