Dress: Lavish Alice
This weekend, I will be celebrating a milestone birthday. I’m turning the big 3-0! I’m officially leaving my 20’s and entering my 30’s this Sunday, on February 26th. I honestly can’t believe that I’m turning 30. I still feel like I’m 20, and my height makes me look like I’m 15, but my life experiences have truly reminded me that I have been on this earth for 30 years with all of its ups and downs. So much has happened in my first 30 years of life. I’ve graduated from high school, finished college, lost a father, purchased a home, had a major surgery on my left knee, started a business, met Beyoncé in person twice (still pinching myself) and I got married to the love of my life.
I’ve identified a few things that I want to start doing, stop doing, and continue doing, in order to make my thirties my best years yet. I’ve made the commitment to myself to focus on the key areas below.
· Finish the books that I start reading. I have the bad habit of half reading books and never completing them.
· Taking time to wake up earlier and do daily mediation and journal before I start my day.
· Saying no to things that will add stress to my life.
· Being late to everything.
· Worrying.
· Procrastinating.
· Snoozing in the mornings.
· Traveling the world.
· Working out at least 3 times a week.
· Trying new recipes when cooking.
· Being Optimistic.
· Praying Daily.
· Volunteering at church.
P.S. – Be on the lookout for some exciting new changes coming to Bornmajestic.com. Expect to see a fresh new layout, and a new accessories and handbag collection soon!

Happy 30 💙💛! I can relate to you in all of your things mentioned in your start/stop/ continue doing list! Love your style & want to start dressing more grown up now that I’m 30 too ( but always get mistaken as being younger ☺️) ~ AME